“I’m Hannah. I’m a girl age 18.
They gave me a second chance where I can realize my dreams. I thought I lost all hope because I thought I was not going to go to school and fulfill my dream. My dream was to become a lawyer or a singer and from there on now I realize that I can fulfill my dream.”
When her father passed away in sixth grade, she was left with few options. But chance intervened and led Hannah to a new chapter where she found the Chiedza Learning Center and greater opportunities thanks to the support of generous supporters. (Watch the complete interview and see more photos below.)
Read more about our work in Zimbabwe
Hannah is one voice amidst the sea of an estimated 150 million children worldwide who are a part of the Global Orphan Crisis. Sadder still is that most of these children have been harmed by a second injustice and many are unnecessarily suffering in overcrowded and under-resourced institutions.
With a proven system in seven global projects, ONETrack International is ensuring the long-term support of orphans, one village at a time. Based on the success of our initial program, CameroonONE, the groundbreaking Transition to Home program supports an orphaned child as well as his or her surviving relatives with the goal of keeping families together while relieving the orphan communes of unnecessary cases.
For each child in the program, it means a chance for a better life.
Basic child rights. Healthcare. Hygiene. Nourishment. Education. Love.
We believe it takes a global village to ensure that orphaned children, like Hannah, have the opportunity to grow as a member of a family and receive both proper education and healthcare. With your support, we can commit to supporting even more dreams and futures.
Please consider making a monthly gift of $5 and join our global village to ensure a day when every child’s voice is heard. Thank you.

Watch: Hannah tells her story to ONETrack International
ONETrack’s Hilary Hahn says of the experience, “I sat down at a table of twelve beautiful little faces all patiently waiting to hear what I had to say. The truth is, I wasn’t there to talk about myself, I was there to listen, to patiently hear what THEY had to say. I wanted to talk about their passions, their ideas or what their favorite subject was in school. As I began to introduce myself, I couldn’t help but notice one glowing smile eagerly waiting to tell her story, Hannah.
It wasn’t long before Hannah made her strong, confident and inspiring impression on me. Question after question she asked me everything she could think of, from building a resume to finding a mentor, she was determined to accomplish her dreams. The aspiration in her voice to succeed in this world so she could come back and help her community triggered the proud inner mama in me. I am so thankful to be a part of an organization that is giving families, educations, and futures to orphans like Hannah.”
“Every child deserves to tell their story, and ONETrack is here to listen.”
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